Experienced painter and prep guy

10 Jun 2024

Hello,Painting company of 23 yrs looking for a few people who actually have real experience, know what they are doing and are focused on getting things done right the first time.Not sure what so hard about that these days but maybe the meek and weak will inherit the earth after all.Zero drama work environment and you will always be paid on time.Im remodelling a house and plenty of work there as well.Painting is hard enough but its not rocket science.I work with a daily plan and just ask others to follow my lead.Most men are defined by the work they do in life so why not do it well.I am fair ,honest and focused if you cant handle that don't respond.If you have a skill set, are willing to work and need to make some money text me and I will get right back to you.I only run until nov. so no time to waste.Part time full time anything is possible for the right person.If this is not for you no worries.I wish you well anyway.
