Success Coach Trainee

04 Mar 2025

Success Coach Trainee, 250k – 500k

No Experience, Will train

IMMEDIATE HIRING: We are looking to hire a minimum of at least 500 Success Coach trainees over the next 24 months for our unique marketing company. This is not just a job, it is an exciting and highly profitable career opportunity. Receive a $5,000.00 or $10,000.00 cash sign-up bonus if approved.

WHAT DOES A SUCCESS COACH DO? Our company will schedule between 5 – 10 telephone appointments for you per day around your schedule. Each appointment will take around 30 minutes. As a Success Coach trainee, you are helping people with our highly profitable sales team program.

FLEXIBLE HOURS: If hired, you have the option of starting part-time or full-time. Set your own hours. If you are working, you can work around your present job.

NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: There is absolutely no experience required. We will gladly train you. All paid training.

HIGH INCOME POTENTIAL: This is a very rare and highly paid position. After 12 months, Success Coaches trainees make as much as most doctors in America. You should earn between 250k – 500k in your first year.

AGE REQUIREMENT: You must be at least 18 years of age to be considered for the position of a Success Coach trainee, however 75% of our Success Coaches are in there 40’s - 70’s. We have two Success Coach that are in their 80’s.

NO SELLING REQUIRED: There is absolutely no selling required as a Success Coach or a Success Coach trainee.

IDEAL CANDIDATES: Positive attitude and personality is a must. You are coachable and you are punctual.

TRIAL PERIOD: If you are interested in becoming a candidate, we offer a trial period so you can experience what it is like to be a Success Coach. You can also earn income during your trial period.

INTERVIEW HOTLINE: If you are interested in applying to become a Success Coach trainee, call for an immediate telephone interview: 480-409-4432.

INTERVIEW HOURS: Interviews are scheduled between 9:00am – 9:00pm, PST, Monday – Saturday.



PLEASE NOTE: There is absolutely no cost to become a Success Coach or Success Coach trainee.

ATTENTION: If you happen to call and get the voice mail, for faster processing, please text your name, the referral ID number and the best time you can be reached.
