Climb and Cut, have loaner saws, harnesses, bull ropes, climb lines

16 May 2025

Vacancy expired!

I am a semi retired 76-year-old Vietnam war era veteran who is now disabled and currently under Oxygen therapy. Unable to climb right now, but have a dangerous canopy and a $26000 wind damage insurance deductible. Tree fallings have previously speared my roof.

Seeking someone to help me get rid of this one water oak and even more serious trimming of a Live Oak full canopy in my back yard.

I could see this job lasting two 40-hour weeks, working around the coming rains.

Maybe you already have a climbing job and want to be my evenings and weekend worker?

My 1949 vintage wood frame home is valued about $1mil and I typically use a handyman 15 hours a week to keep it functional.

I am also needing to slim down my firearm hobby collection if anyone wants to do some trades there. I am also into fabricating silencers but only legally. Suppressors can cause more investment than a firearm, it seems.
