Looking For CPAs & Payroll Specialist - $6,000 Per Month Potential

18 Jun 2024

Looking For CPAs & Payroll Specialist - $6,000 Per Month Potential

Apply Here: https://l2g.typeform.com/to/Zl9B1uhs

We are in the credit card processing space.

We help small businesses eliminate their credit card processing fees.

We are looking to hire outside sales reps who can bring in new business

and make a monthly residual income from that place of business.

New businesses are always opening up in the area and will need credit card processing

software/machinery to take payment.

We currently have reps with our company that work other traditional 9-5 jobsand simply speak with establishments they do business with on a daily basis. These reps are earning 2 to 3k per month in monthly residual income. We have others who are earning much much more than that in just a matter of a few months.

Apply Here: https://l2g.typeform.com/to/Zl9B1uhs

All you had to do was make the introduction. Once We close the deal, you get paid every. Single. Month.

There is no cost to joining our program.

We just need to train you on what to say and present our program.

Apply Here: https://l2g.typeform.com/to/Zl9B1uhs
