
17 Apr 2024

South Shore Tiki Lounge is a popular, family-owned, full-service bar and restaurant located in the Kihei Kalama Village. We have live music every day and late-night entertainment on Thurs-Sat. We are known for our pizza, local fish and burgers, and amazing staff!

We are looking for a friendly, efficient host to join the team. Host responsibilities include greeting and seating guests, managing the waitlist, bussing, running food, sanitizing, and supporting the FOH staff when needed. Great opportunity for candidates new to the restaurant industry with the potential to move up to serving shifts. For well-experienced candidates, covering serving shifts is a possibility.

Part-time. Base hourly plus tips. If interested, stop by the restaurant and fill out an application. South Shore Tiki Lounge, Kihei Kalama Village, 1913-J South Kihei Road, Kihei.
