Notary / Store Manager

22 Oct 2025

Vacancy expired!

Seeking a full or part time Notary / Store Manager for immediate position. Some shifts in New Orleans, Mostly Old Metairie.

DO NOT APPLY IF YOU ARE NOT a currently Commissioned Louisiana Notary at the time of hiring.

As manager, responsibilities include ordinary small business management but not bookkeepping. This is not a desk job.

You would be on your feet all day.

Any of the skills listed below are helpful if you have experience. You would receive training in all except graphic

design. We do not train Graphic Design skills but it is not necessary to have.

1. Cashier, cash handling,

2. Fedex, UPS, DHL and USPS shipping and packing,

3. Printing anything from business cards to 5 foot wide banners,

4. Mailbox Rental-in store mail pickup,

5. Graphic Design.

The more you know about any of these, the better. Please email your resume.

This store is similar to a THE UPS STORE or FEDEX OFFICE

See or for company info
