Part-time Personal Care Asst. (weekdays)

12 Dec 2025

Part-time Personal Care Asst. (weekdays)

compensation:Starting in the $20/hr range based on qualifications.

employment type:part-time

experience level:some experience preferred

job title:Caregiver


Somewhat Flexible Hours | Competitive Pay Starting in the $20s (Based on Qualifications)

My mother is a 94 year old kind, sprightly, sociable, former artist and world traveler with a wonderful cat, Higgins. She owns a beautiful high rise condo near the U of M. She gets around with a walker but needs help getting up and transferring to a chair or bed, has some short term memory loss and needs a part time, female, personal care attendant.

Late mornings (Tuesday through Friday)

She is looking for an assistant on weekday late mornings (Tuesday through Friday) (about 10 am): to help her get up and going with hygiene assistance, help with a shower twice a week, help get dressed, take her pre-sorted pills, put on hearing aids, prepare a light breakfast (roll and granola with a cup of coffee), share a cup of coffee with her, update a memory whiteboard which tells her what activities she has scheduled. Help with laundering soiled sheets (in building laundry) several days a week. Total about 2 hours. Exact start/end times new flexible although she usually gets up about 9:30-10 A M.

Early evenings (Sunday or Monday through Thursday)

She seeks an assistant to prepare dinner, join her for dinner or a cup of coffee, take her evening pills, help with hygiene assistance, getting ready for bed, light housekeeping, help ordering groceries, cat food, possibly help with laundry, possibly 15 minutes physical therapy and memory exercises. Total about 2 hours.

Exact start/end times are flexible. Either or both shifts are available.

This is a flexible position. Some experience is preferred, but person needs physical ability to do transfer (help stand up and pivot) and must clear background study and be reliable. Laid back atmosphere.

Let me know if this interests you.


