Assistant (to Assistant of VIP) Job

08 May 2024

Assistant to the Assistant of a VIP

I can’t tell you the pay situation cause I have yet to get paid.

Hear the situation. If it’s right for you, benefit. If not, that’s it.

When I say VIP, I mean the biggest VIP you can think of.

If you’re a liberal, you need not apply. This job isn’t for you.

Need somebody motivated and Premedical. Other tracks will be considered if you can prove you have A1 critical thinking skills. Need to be creative and bold but able to follow my directions to the T. Must be detail oriented. Get this, YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE A PERFECT TRANSCRIPT. If I see that you have it in you, you’re in. You just need to have the right qualities.

If you want to continue with medicine, you will have the perfect personal statement.

Need to meet me to get details.

If you are successful in this you will more than likely not need a medical degree to make money anymore, and you’ll be somebody on your own in a year’s time.

Some of it involves taking care of the things I do like taking care of my mom. She is younger, but she has Alzheimer’s. She is PRECIOUS!

If that is beneath you, do not apply. FAIR WARNING. It’s not going to be much, but a lot of it for the first few months COULD be that (YOU ARE NOT TO GET OFFENDED). But she is a very good woman; she doesn’t require much and is in the early stages. The only thing you have to do: remind her of things, be kind to her, take her places in the car which is almost never because she is a very homely and quiet woman. My mom is first priority (which is why I handle those duties personally). Nothing comes above that but God.

MUST be kind to her. If you’re not kind to me, I can forgive, but not kind to HER is not an option. There will be a 0 tolerance policy for that. That is your One warning. NEVER is it allowed to be rude or disrespectful or hurtful towards her. She is a kind hearted person and more angel than person. I’m serious.

She deserves nothing but the best, and life has not been kind to her. I AM TRYING TO MAKE UP FOR THAT. So have that in mind when you do your job because you will be me in that regard.

If this all is bizarre, and you can’t identify with it, need not apply, don’t waste my time. I already don’t have any of it, which is why I need an assistant.

The first couple of months could be doing my literal chores. You are not to mind. Keep end game in mind while you are doing those, and you will succeed for the year. You will learn more in this year than you did in the whole of your life. I’m telling you, the pay off will be outstanding. IF you give it your all, you will have my love as a man, more money and a higher status after you’re done.

If you give it the minimum, you will get the minimum, which is why I’m not hiring somebody who will give it the minimum. This job is important to me; and you will treat YOUR job with respect.

Will have to sign a nondisclosure agreement bound by the laws of 3 states, which I will provide to you BEFORE the agreement or even the interview.

The first couple of months might be a little hard in the way of money. I can provide you housing and food. The hours won’t be that much and will be as needed in the beginning, so a tiny degree of flexibility will be had. It’s gonna be a little slim on money. You need to bear with me. You will have to bear with me. Only if you can bear with me for the duration of this time, apply ie. contact me.

One important detail is that you work only for me. That makes it easier for you as well. If my boss is there (VIP), and I am there, if he instructs you to do something, you look at me and wait for my orders. THIS IS CRITICAL. I know what’s best for him; HE doesn’t know what’s best for him. If he gives you a direction that is antithetical to what I am trying to do for him, and you do it, that will be a problem for who? Nobody but me. You wait for my orders.

If he tells you to leave, you look for my orders. You don’t move an inch until I tell you otherwise. That also makes it easier—the less people you are answerable to, which in this case, will almost always be just me.

Same with his people, I don’t care who they are, who will always be there with him. You answer only to me. If I am present in the same room, which I will almost always be, I don’t care if it’s God Himself, you don’t move an inch. Undermining me once in this way will be an immediately fireable offense. If I am NOT present, that is a different story entirely, and you will be taught what to take into consideration ahead of time, like, for example, chain of command, strength of the order in comparison to mission needing to be accomplished. You will be taught how to deliberate. This is where your discretion/smartness will be required. But this will also be where you will learn a thing or two about bureaucracy and politics in action. But there will not be many of these instances. I will train you adequately. You will learn what you need to do in those situations.

You will also need a security clearance (ie. successful background check, etc.) down the road about a month or two after beginning of employ. If you think you will not be able to pass this, do not waste my time. Please. You will be wasting your own time because you wouldn’t have been getting much if at all by that point anyway.

That’s pretty much it.

If you are very smart and very careful, this will not be a difficult job for you. It will require perseverance. Just, at no time let your guard down, and you’ll succeed. Money and Other commensurate with success.

Send me Unofficial and anything you want me to consider in terms of your qualifications in email to me.

  • ID: #51651248
  • State: New York New york city 00000 New york city USA
  • City: New york city
  • Salary: USD TBD TBD
  • Showed: 2024-05-08
  • Deadline: 2024-07-07
  • Category: Et cetera