Podcast Producer

12 May 2024

Did you know that there are 2 distinct types of human beings on this planet? And you have never heard of the 2nd type.

The first type is like you and me. They were born, grew up. went to school and are good law abiding citizens who endeavor to follow the rules and the laws. The second type are people who have no laws. They don't use money because they have no need for it. If someone becomes a problem, they simply kill them with no consequences. Want to hear more?

Did you know that 70% of this planet is water? And so only the 30% which is left over is land. And of all the land on the planet that is left, the entire population of the planet occupies or uses only about one tenth of 1 percent of that land. So the bottom line is that of the 30% of the planet available for human use, humans use less than one tenth of 1 percent and they want us to believe that this small amount of people can cause climate change on 99.9% of the planet AND THAT'S JUST THE LAND PART


Things are happening in our world and they are happening right now: and they are not good and they are not to our benefit I think that you and I have a responsibility to do something about that right now!.

No matter how old you are; when in your life have you ever heard of a 5 year old having heart attack: until NOW?

Together, you and I can do something about this and we have the power to do it now.

I would like to talk to people. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE! As you may be able to see, I have a few things for people to think about that they may never have heard of before. TOGETHER; You and I can change things.

I want to do a Podcast that will be more popular and more listened to than Joe Rogan but I have absolutely no idea how to make that technical part happen.

I have the subject matter and the skills to communicate but I have no idea how to create, advertise and get on 100 platforms to speak to the people.

Do you have this skill?

If you do I would like you to help me.

In this endeavor. as we begin I cannot afford to pay much but I promise you that when we make money from the endeavor, you will be the first to be paid.

I think this is a Nobel and necessary endeavor. People were put on this planet to help others, not just to buy a lot of worthless crap.

Do you want to help with this. If so, you must have the necessary skills now with a proven background. I don't have a minute to waste.

If that is you then please contact me so we can meet and talk about it.

I have a plan that can change the world and I would like to tell you about it and show it to you.
